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Luftnachrichten Command Posts & Bunkers

Facilities & Installations

This article focuses on the facilities used by the Luftwaffe Intelligence Service (Luftnachtrichtendienst) to control Germany’s air defense network. Set up for night- and day-fighter control, these command posts filtered information about enemy aircraft from an extensive radar network (Flugmeldmess), coordinated data and directed a timely response.

Night-Fighter Control

Night-fighter control was initially accomplished by the Nacht Jagd Raum Führer (NJRF). A prime example of the evolution of one of these facilities is NJRF 103 at Darmstadt-Grieshein Airfield (Map). NRJF 103 operated between July 1942 through June 1944, when it became Jagdfliegerführer (Jafü) Mittel Rhein. Located in the support area of the airfield, the NJRF bunker was a rectangular, partially above-ground structure similar to others used by the Luftwaffe. A U-shaped probable weapons position was on the roof. Another building and a possible underground machinery room were nearby (Graphic).

By mid-1944 the Jafü Mittel Rhein/NJRF 103 complex extended west of main building and comprised of at least two other bunkers and a central building protected by a blast wall. Walkways appeared to lead from the road through both other bunkers and to the central building (Graphic). A prominent feature of the complex was an arcade and a hedge that screened the central building and blast wall from view. Possibly associated facilities included a structure (possibly net-covered) and a larger building northwest of the central area. In an attempt at visual disruption, possible netting appeared to have been laid on the ground west of the arcade (Graphic).

A related command post, Kombinierte Nachtjagd (KONAJA) 'DACHS,’ was established at Darmstadt for the 21st Flak Division in 1941. The command post was most likely at the base of a hill known as the Ludwigshöhe, 5 km east-southeast of the airfield and near the Cambrai-Fritsch Kaserne. This facility contained a barracks, two bunkers and a T-shaped building with a blast wall (Graphic). Later, the command post was reportedly moved to a hotel complex atop the hill, but another bunker (still present) there did not appear to have been finished by September 1944.

A similar setup for NJRF 11 was noted at Stendal Airfield. Imagery coverage of the facility between 1943 and 1945 revealed it comprised a complex of at least four bunkers with multiple entrances (Graphic). NJRF 11 operated between 1942 and early 1944.

Coverage of NJRF 105 at Venlo Airfield in the Netherlands shows it occupied a similar location at in the airfield support area. In August 1944, NJRF 105 appeared to have been camouflaged (Graphic).

The bunkers were usually built on established designs, but the one for what was likely NJRF 112 at the East Prussian city of Königsberg (Kaliningrad, Russia) was very different. Analysis of imagery from August 1944 revealed NJRF 112 was in a barracks one kilometer southeast of Königsberg Devau Airfield (Graphic) that is still in use as a Russian naval communication facility. In 1944 there were at least two bunkers at the facility. Bunker 1 --the main building-- was built into a hillside and was well-concealed with vegetation. Bunker 2 was a linear structure at the south edge of the complex. Some features of NJRF 112 bunker 1 were hard to see in 1944, but what can be seen on recent satellite imagery suggests It was expanded after the war (Graphic).

Day-Fighter Control

Day-fighter control was performed at Jagddivision (JD)- and Jagdfliegerführer (Jafü)-level. The bunker for the 7 JD at Oberschliessheim -- code name 'MINOTAURUS' --is a representative example of (Graphic 9). The large, mostly above-ground structure was in use between October 1943 to July 1944; after that, the command post relocated to Pfaffenhofen. A similar bunker was built was built for 1 JD --later 3 JD-- at Deelen Netherlands (Graphic). The command post, codenamed 'DIOGENES', operated between January 1942 and September 1944, when it relocated to Wiedenbruck.

The command post for 5 JD also was also forced to relocate late in the war. Originally stationed in France between October 1943 to August 1944, 5 JD moved to the Villa Lindich at Hechingen where it operated through December (Graphic). A small installation with seven additional buildings villa (not recently constructed) indicated the site had been prepared for use long before the arrival of 5 JD; however, the presence of three relatively new power or telephone lines suggested a relatively recent upgrade.

The command post for Jafü 4 (4 JD, Metz) was housed in a bunker on the grounds of a chateau at St. Pol Brias in the Pas-de-Calais. Code named 'PLUTO'; it previously resided in the chateau. The Jafü 4 complex --including the bunker, outbuildings, chateau and an airfield-- was covered on 29 May and 6 July 1944 (Graphic 12). The bunker, at the edge of a wooded area, could not be seen on either image, but net-covered walkways and structures near the entrance were visible. A support building along the main walkway was also net-covered (Graphic). Ground photos of the ruined bunker revealed it had two levels and was about 25-meters-long (Graphic). A defensive firing port covered bunker entrances.

Except for the possible removal of some camouflage at the bunker, few changes were noted between May and July. A fence had been erected along the northwest perimeter and evidence of construction was less visible. A pile of earth, probably spoil removed during construction could be seen nearby.

The airfield, southwest of the bunker, was used in 1940 but by 1944 was likely not in use. At least three anti-aircraft sites in the vicinity were probably for the benefit of the command post.

Also in France, the bunker for Jagabschnittsführer Bretagne at St. Jacques-de-la-Lande Airfield was similar to the one for the one for Jafü 4. Coverage from June 1944 shows the camouflaged bunker set in an open area away from support buildings.

The Luftnachrichten command post Jagdabschnittsführer Hungary was located in the Citadella at Budapest (Graphic).

Higher-Echelon Command Posts

As the war came to a close, the command staff of even high-level Luftwaffe command post were forced to relocate. The command post for Oberkommando der Luftwaffe (OKL Fürhrungs Nord 'KURFÜST 1') deployed from Berlin to Potsdam by 23 April 1945, before reaching its final destination, Silberstedt, Schleswig. On the way 'KURFÜST 1' briefly operated at Rechlin Airfield, where it occupied a building in the officer's housing area. Coverage of Rechlin on 3 October 1943 shows the probable location of the command post was a bunker attached to the probable officer's casino in the airfield western support area (Graphic).

In February 1945, the staff of Luftfotte Reich deployed from its command post at Berlin-Wansee. The staff, codenamed 'HEROLD 4', operated from a facility in an ammunition depot at Stapelburg through April (Graphic 17) before moving on to Quassel.

The command post of Luftwaffe Kommando West, which originated in Paris as Luftflotte 3, arrived at Schloss Dehrn, near Limburg-an-der-Lahn on 26 September 1944 (Graphic). On the way to Germany, the command post --codenamed 'ADLER'--also stopped at Riems, France and Arlons, Belgium. A review of available imagery revealed four light anti-aircraft sites were deployed around the schloss before the arrival of the command post, sometime between 25 August and 25 September; in addition, a possibly net-covered position was set up in a nearby orchard after 25 August.

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