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Flak Trains at Linz, Austria

Western Front

Analysis of imagery from reconnaissance sorties flown over Linz, Austria between September 1944 and April 1945 revealed two Flak trains deployed around the city. The trains, with heavy 10.5 anti-aircraft guns on special railcars, supplemented fixed anti-aircraft sites defending the city and a large steel complex, the Reichswerke Hermann Göring. The trains, each with four guns, were deployed at sidings in the Wegscheid and Schweigau quarters southwest and east of the city center, respectively.

Other Flak trains were identified at Osnabrück and Potsdam on 20 March 1945 and April 1943 respectively. The battery at Potsdam had only three guns deployed in a triangular pattern; two possible light Flak cars were on the track.

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